Whether you are a single landowner or a full-scale government agency, we can assist you along your restoration journey and help get your projects identified, designed, permitted, and constructed in a timely and cost-effective manner.
We work in close partnership with federal, state, and local conservation agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local farmers and landowners to deliver a targeted, comprehensive landscape approach to the improvement of water quality and wildlife habitats in critical watersheds.
Our stream restorations incorporate natural stream channel design principles to reduce erosion and non-point source pollution, provide important habitat for aquatic species, and improve the recreational experiences and quality of life for local community members.


We are The Trust for Tomorrow, a 501 (c)3 environmental and educational non-profit organization headquartered in North Carolina with active restoration programs throughout the Eastern United States.  The Trust’s diverse environmental programs address a variety of needs – all with the ultimate goal of restoring critical habitats and promoting environmental stewardship.

Navigate through our list of pages to learn more: